merchandise | twitter | culk
Creative Director: Sam Culkins
Designer: Nicole Hyland
Back in 2019, during my time working for SF-based clothing brand Culk, Twitter reached out for an apparel and merchandise design for their (at-the-time) Chicago headquarters. Thye requested that it featured the Chicago skyline in the trademark minimalist vector line art of Culk.
The process began with intensive study of the Chicago skyline – breaking down the names, shapes, and positions of the buildings relative to Lake Michigan. From this point, the chosen buildings were broken down into simple shapes and turned into vector illustrations.
The client was sent four options for the final graphic, featuring different perspectives and characteristic features of Chicago such as the lake and the trademark wind of the Windy City. The final decision was option 01 with the lake in the foreground, which went through minor changes to maintain cohesiveness and was prepped for manufacturing.
This graphic was a success with the Twitter Chicago team, and was printed on to various swag items such as clothing and tote bags for Twitter employees.